Hello,in this article we want to share a new preset collection is Kaca Biru Lightroom Preset special for you.You can using this preset for beach photography,fashion,product catalog,photo with sky background and many more. This preset has a blue color and soft tone on the skin. Please download this preset at link below.
How to Install Kaca Biru Lightroom Preset Mobile ( XMP ) Without using a Desktop
- Download this preset from link below and save in your smartphone device.
- Next please select MY FILE at your smartphone and select INTERNAL STORAGE.
- Next, select the DOWNLOAD folders and search your preset ( Bundle Lightroom Preset )
- Tap your preset and tap on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and then select MOVE > move your preset to INTERNAL STORAGE > search ANDROID folder > select COM.ADOBE.LRMOBILE > select FILES > CAROUSEL DOCUMENTS > select 00000 00000 > and click PROFILE > SETTING > select USER STYLE and the last step select FINISH.
- Open Lightroom CC in your smartphone and make a new tone color,style Kaca Biru Lightroom Preset.
How to Install Kaca Biru Lightroom Preset Mobile ( DNG )
- Open your DNG preset in gallery photo or download folders.
- Export preset to Lightroom CC Mobile.
- Open the Lightroom Mobile CC and tap photo DNG format.
- Tap on the 3 dots at the top right and than tap Copy Setting.
- next, open new photo which will be edited > and than tap on the 3 dots again > tap Paste Setting.
- Well done.
Before after using Kaca Biru Lightroom Mobile Preset

Included Kaca Biru Lightroom Preset :